CARBONDALE – The City of Carbondale is researching rental housing unit licensing. This will be a substantial and important update to the current rental housing regulations.

As part of this process, the City Council has directed staff to solicit for interested parties who wish to serve on a rental housing licensing planning committee.

If you have a desire in serving on this important committee, please submit a written letter of interest via email to Mayor Carolin Harvey at Your letter must include your name, address of current residence, reason for interest in the committee, and a detailed description of your background or resume. All inquiries will be confidential until the appointments are made. All letters of interest shall be submitted by August 29, 2024.  

The Rental Housing Licensing Committee will be comprised of the following community members:  

– 4 landlords.  

– 4 Carbondale tenants (at least one of whom shall be a full time SIUC undergraduate currently living off campus).  

– One at large citizen.  

These committee members will serve with two Carbondale City Councilpersons and two City staff employees.  

For further information and questions contact the Community Development Manager at 618-457-3251.